"Only one thing is needed" Luke 10:42b (Jesus' Words to Martha)
During the holidays our lists expand and time with God often shrinks, as we hit the ground running. The whole 'reason for the season' is to have a time of reflection, remembrance, genuine thanks for all the blessings that The Lord has brought to us. Our minds understand this; but, soon our hearts are racing again, as we get caught up in the details & decorations. Often we wind up distressed, distracted & depressed. Guests will be arriving and we want everything go be perfect.
Most of us long for a simpler life. We daydream about everyone seated around the table, smiling, white picket fence rimming the home's perimeter. We want our lives to be like Norman Rockwell’s paintings of 2OthC Americana. But, guess what… family life was never that uncomplicated. This is a fantasy that we keep falling for! We compare our lives to one-dimensional paintings, romance novels, and happy-ending movies that do not depict real life. Then, we feel sad, like we were left holding the short end of life's stick. We struggle with questions like, "Why am I sick again, or divorced, or out of work...what gives?"
A surefire way to bring ourselves down, down, down.. is to imagine that everyone is living the perfect American Dream, except for us. Wake up! The truth is that life is complicated and filled with trials and roadblocks! Even if Dad went to work and Mom stayed home to raise the kids there were stresses that were never discussed, bills that piled up, and dreams that went unfilled. We all struggle, families struggled in the 1900's and they continue to struggle today.
Instead of focusing on the past, or on others, or on what you do not have, take a quick inventory of what you do have. Remember that you have been given the gift of life, that God created you uniquely, and with purpose, and He loves YOU. That's a good place to start! If you truly know that to be True, then nothing else really matters. You've found the secret, center your thoughts there. Joy springs from sitting with God's Word, (not Martha's or Oprah's or what some glossy magazine tells us that our homes should be like.) The Apostle Paul said the peace that passes all understanding is found in Christ, Alone. "Thanks be to God for His Indescribable Gift!" 2 Cor 9:15
QUESTION: Do you think that it's just modern, fast-paced living that causes us to loose perspective and overook God? What would you do if JESUS was coming for dinner?
Go with me 2000 years ago, to the home of 2 sisters, Mary & Martha, (Luke 10:38-41): “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, He came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to Him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Prayer for The Busy Woman:
Lord, teach us to be more focused on loving You and loving others; and less focused on having the perfect "Martha" table. Hospitality is wonderful and it is good to want things to be special for our family & friends. But, keep us focused on what is "better" as You said. Help us to sit at your feet and GIVE THANKS for the indescribable gift of You! Center our hearts on You. Do not let "the preparations" cause us to miss "the purpose" of our celebration.
http://www.atthewell.com/thanks/ Hymn of Thanks