
He is Enough

My Grace is sufficient, My Power is made perfect in weakness 2 Corinthians 12:9

Is God ENOUGH for you?
In times of heartbreaking sadness, financial loss, or physical distress (weakness), we cry out to God. When we are weak, we remember that God is Strong and Sufficient.
We pray: “Almighty God, You CAN help us, You CAN do anything, so please get us out of here pronto! Put out this fire, heal our friend, replenish our bank account, make everything ‘good’ for us again (today if possible.) Amen.”

Why do we forget God in good times, but desperately seek Him in times of trouble?... How fickle we are! But, we expect God to come through for us immediately!

If He CANwell then....Why Doesn’t He?
God may allow great pain in our lives so that we will learn the lessons of greatest importance:

KNOWING JESUS is the most important lesson we will ever learn! Jesus already knows & loves us intimately; but, often we fool ourselves & fail to love. It is through tough trails that the Lord reveals to us what is truly in our hearts. Sometimes we discover that we've been lying to ourselves.
We may say "He is Enough!" but what about our walk? Will we step into a fiery furnace or step out of our comfortable boat when He calls us to come? Do we really trust God? OR, Do we subscribe to a "JesusPlus+ Insurance Plan," by that I mean are we really still controlling the show, but then adding a prayer for Jesus to bless our mess. Who are we kidding? God knows when He is Our Everything, and when He is simply an "add-on."

Where is your confidence rooted?

This seems to be "The Question" that God is asking American Christians today.
A lot of things are being shaken up in our country right now. Have you ever considered that God’s Hand may be doing the shaking? He wants to truly be our Sufficiency; I wonder if He is asking us, "Are you looking to Me or to your 401K for security? Does your portfolio include any treasures stored up in heaven or are you preoccupied with sheltering your earthly nest egg?"

He sees the whole panorama of our lives, envisions the whole pie that is "us," cooked to perfection, finished and fragrant. Perhaps today’s ‘slice of life’ is filled with cherry pits and bitterness, but someday He will say "Well done!" ...if we stay in step with Him. Lord, we want to rely on Your Finished Work, not our own strength, make us pleasing to You, set the temperature, cool us down when we get angry, heat us up if we get luke-warm. Help us rest in what You are creating.

You've probably heard it said that we are 'human do-ings,' not 'human be-ings.' We love achievement, love to measure things, love to see results: Did we hit our sales quota, loose 10 pounds, balance the budget this month? If we don’t like 'our numbers' we will scramble to fix them. Lord, teach us to go with the flow, help us to put away our measuring tapes, and just be. Jesus, You are Enough. Holy Spirit guide us into all truth. Self-sufficiency is a myth, we are NOT sufficient. We need a SAVIOR, WE NEED YOU JESUS, Teach us about the Sufficiency of Your Grace.