
A Wife's Prayer

Let us live up to what we have already attained. Phil 3:16

My Mom . . . the best Mom, Grandmom, Friend and Role Model for what Wives should look like, sent me this prayer. I thought it was beautiful and convicting. I am going to include the first and last paragraph here. If you would like to have the whole prayer (it is 1-page long) then please send me an e-mail himary@sbcglobal.net and I will forward it to you.
Lord teach us to love like you do, and to live UP to what we have already attained because of Your sacrifice.

Lord, help me to be a good wife. I fully realize that I don’t have what it takes to be one without Your help. Take my selfishness, impatience, and irritability and turn them into kindness, long-suffering, and the willingness to bear all things. Take my old emotional habits, mindsets, automatic reactions, rude assumptions, and self-protective stance, and make me patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. Take the hardness of my heart and break down the walls with Your battering ram of revelation.
Give me a new heart and work in me Your love, joy and peace (Galatians 5:22-23) I am not able to rise above who I am at this moment. Only You can transform me.

Make me a new person, Lord. Give me a fresh perspective, a positive outlook, and a renewed relationship with the man You have given me. Help me see my husband with new eyes, new appreciation, new love, new compassion, and new acceptance.

Give my husband a new wife . . . and let it be me! Amen.


Stand on The Rock or in Quicksand

When you are feeling down, where do you go for inspiration?
What renews your zest for living, and lifts you up and gets you going?
Do you have a friend who makes you laugh, brings out the best in you?
Does nature inspire you? Do you have a favorite hobby or activity?
Does a sweaty endorphin release at the gym pump you up?

All these things are good...friends, physical activities, sunshine, personal accomplishment.. how wonderful it is to be joyful and engaged in life!

Some days though are just plain hard. Some seasons are loaded with glitch, after unexpected glitch, and you start to feel like SchlepRock from The Flintstones. Do you remember him? Whatever he walked past crumbled around him as he mumbled garbled curses under his breath? Or, maybe PigPen from the Charlie Brown cartoon with that cloud of odor, causing folks to keep their distance.

On days when my I feel that I'm crumbling and I know that my attitude stinks, it is easy to wallow in self-pity. At first, it feels good to wallow, like stepping into a spa bath, the warm water swirls, the bubbles tickle your nose and the aroma is sweet; but, then you suddenly realize this is quicksand you are in, and you are about to get yanked under!

This is how sin works in our life.
If it wasn't fun at first you wouldn't dabble, and before you realize it you've gone from enticement, to engagement, to imprisonment and you never saw it coming.

Guard your heart, the Bible warns. Keep looking UP to Jesus, The Author & Finisher of Faith. Don't allow yourself to be dragged away by a barely perceptible undertow. When you are in the eye of the hurricane, you can't see clearly anyway, so keep asking for His vision and He will increase your faith through your trials.

What helps you get back to Bedrock when you realize that you're in sinking sand? You may think you're in too deep, and that there is no way out. That is a lie. Jesus told us that He is The Way, remember? He said He is the Truth, the Life, and a solid Rock on which to stand.
Cling to Jesus, His Promises are a lifeline for sinking souls:

Jesus said, I will never leave you or forsake you.
He said He loves us with an everlasting love.
He warned, do not worry about your life.
He said that every thing in heaven & earth is under in His control.
and, His Word says that ALL things do work together for the good.

In these uncertain times our troubles seem heavy and feel neverending. But, we cannot rely on fleeting feelings to guide us; The Lord calls us to anchor our hope in His unchanging promises. That is where the real reality lies: in the Truth of His Word. When dark days seem as if they will never cease, remember that is a lie. We are citizens of heaven, our future is secure, so keep looking UP, not around. The Bible says our earthy troubles are light and momentary, compared to the glorious riches in store for those who choose to HURRY UP to HIM AND WAIT for HIM:

Therefore, we do not loose heart!
Though OUTWARDLY we are wasting away; yet,
INWARDLY we are being renewed (by His LOVE) day by day

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us
an ETERNAL GLORY that far outweighs them all
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,
but on what is UNSEEN (that's FAITH)
For what is seen is temporary,
but what is unseen is ETERNAL!" (that's HOPE) 2 Cor 4:16-18


The Bible- Instruction & A Love Story

In yesterday' blog, I used the analogy of The B I B L E as "a rule book for right living," Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. But, as I sat with the words of Jesus this morning, and re-read the Sermon on the Mount, (Mat., Chapter 5), I was compelled to add that the Bible is so much more than instructions or rules for winning the game of life . . . so very much more!

Jesus told us He IS Life: The Way, The Truth, The Life are found IN Him.
When you read the Bible, meditate on His Words, and allow them to permeate your soul, you find that you WANT to be different. You want your life to look more life HIS LIFE, not because of fear; but because of love. The "be causes" become different; because of Him.

The 10 Commandments, given from God to Moses, are still valid. Murder, stealing, cheating, are still grievous sins; but now it is not so much punishment; or fear of getting caught, that drives your thinking. It's not even about going to heaven or hell anymore. For me, when I think about Jesus, I just want to be like Him. I want to see the world through His Eyes, and treat people like He did.

Just after speaking the beautiful words of The Beatitudes, Jesus explains that He did not come "to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to fulfill them." (Mat 5:17). Jesus does not negate the Old Testament... He takes it further... He fulfills it! Jesus told his followers that if they could follow 2 rules: Love God; and Love others, then all the other rules would automatically be adhered to. And, He has equipped us and given us the gift of The Holy Spirit to guide us. His love lives inside of believers, we can access His Supernatural Strength when we are tempted, rather than simply trying to adhere to a list of rules.

How often we wander off, how continually His love pulls us back.
It's not rules that bring us back, it is the love of Jesus displayed as He willingly stretched out his hands, one to the right, one to the left, and allowed them to be nailed to a cross for us, so that daily we could look up in our mind's eye and see His Love displayed for us.

Yes, the be causes are different now... because He fulfilled the law, paid for us with His Blood. He signed, sealed, and delivered us, now we are His.

This rule book for Christ-followers, the B I B LE, is more than a set of "do's & don'ts." It is actually a love story, a Chronology of the love between Holy God and fallen man. A way that we can find TRUTH in the unchanging God-breathed Words of Scripture.


Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God King James Version 2 Tim 3:16a

When you get together with friends and family what do you like to do? We are “a board game type of family”… everything from Monopoly, Risk, Life, Clue, Scrabble, to the ever-favorite Rumicube. Have you found that some people do not play by the same rules that your family does? Some people play that you have to have a discard tile in order to win the game of Rumicube. This is never good news to discover at the end of the game. You stand there cheering in victory, and suddenly everyone asks “where is your discard tile?” Yiikes.

Does your family leave the game instructions in the box for future reference, for times when clarification is needed? I think its a good idea. It is always smart to review a few of the basic rules before starting into anything, just to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

What guidelines do you have for living your life?

Did you come up with them yourself? Are they your family’s set of rules?
Where did you get them, how do you know that they are true?
Are they based on feelings and following your heart?

I remember the first time I heard the B.I.B.L.E. explained as Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, a reference manual for living, anything you may have a question about, is addressed in The Bible. All the answers, God's answers are there. I was stunned when I heard this, stunned that people believed this; but I have found it to be totally True. God did not leave us clueless, we have His Inspired Word for direction, instruction and right living. In my Catholic upbringing we did not read the Bible, that is changing thankfully, because it is tough to succeed when you don’t know what is expected. Someday Jesus Himself will stand before us and ask us about these lives we lived in the body here on Earth.

I want to know what HE SAID in His Book.
I want to know what to discard and what to hold on to.

For correct word-spelling you go to Webster’s Dictionary.
For correct truth-seeking you go to The Bible.
Your sources of reference must be correct.
If you’ve got the wrong book in your hand you will not succeed.

But we are in such a hurry and we think that we already know how to play…the world around us shouts… come on, let’s just play, we’ll figure it out as we go, hurry up, put that Bible down and get in the game. Yiikes.


Hungry Hearts

Receive and experience the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, deep, deep within yourselves. Phil 4:23 The Message

I'm just returning from a 7-day cruise, 8 days away with my husband's family. My mother-in-law will soon celebrate her 80th birthday and the trip was something she booked a year ago.

My side of the family, (true to our Irish Catholic heritage), is loaded with aunts, uncles, second-cousins and third-cousins-once-removed ... some of whom I've never even met. In contrast, my husband, Jeff's side of the family consists of:
1-Jeff, 2-his mom, 3-his brother, 4-our son David. That's it. The personalities in this group are very different; our size, shapes and styles are all different. When you see the 5 of us together, there is little family resemblance and very few shared interests. So, I had some anxiety over spending a week at sea together in close quarters. I am happy to report that we all survived, and all got along well.

The only casualty so far appears to be my waistline, it will be a long time before the words "midnight buffet" bring a smile to my lips.

It is amazing what you can learn about yourself when you get out of your normal environment for a few days. I consider myself a disciplined person; a creature of habit, actually. I brought along my alarm clock, work out wear, vitamins, flax seed oil, and travel Bible. Unfortunately, each of these items remained securley zipped up in the front pocket of my suitcase ... hardly touched, but sorely needed.

Oh, at first, it was delightful to sleep in; to eat and drink non-stop; to bask in the sun, people-watch at the pool, and eavesdrop on all kinds of crazy conversations. As evening approached you'd wonder, should we go to the comedy show, the talent competition, or the casino? Does the Asian-Fusion restaurant on Deck 6 sound more appealing than the Steakhouse on Deck 8; am I in a jasmine rice or baked potato & butter state of mind? The daily choices abound and you think, "wow, I could get used to being served, pampered, and spa'd like this for the rest of my life!"

But, by about Day 4 or 5, the foo-foo drinks start to taste too sugar-y, and the thought of limiting your un-limited portions, crosses your mind. Suddenly, you are counting out slices of bacon rather than that shovel-full you've been consuming at the previous buffets. As you put on your bathing suit you see that your "abs" now resemble that hunk of blueberry cheesecake you just consumed. Your legs are getting tan, so you go from the #45 sunblock down to the #15; but, soon your son comments that your back looks like that lobster shell you were dining out of last night. The "Good Life" is not really good for us at all!

The Bible warns that the wages of sin is death; suddenly see where all this self-indulgence is leading, as the waistband on your shorts threatens to cut off your air supply. YIIKES! There will be a day of reckoning, but you go with the flow, because afterall you are on vacation, and you don't want to ruin eveyone else's fun. Secretly you begin to yearn for a Pilates class, a protein shake, and a long letter from the Apostle Paul, (instead of the Self Magazine you're holding in your hand!) We naturally gravitate to what hurts us in the long run. The short run is so appealing, when it's right there in front of us... and it's free!

No matter how much we say we love Jesus, we must admit that we are prone to wander... prone to put self and stomach first. We must actively, daily choose again and again to follow Jesus, accepting Him into our hearts is not a one-time event.
I got up early this morning, eager to get back to my Bible and quiet time with The Lord.
First, I thanked Him for the love of family and for the unity that He brought to us on the trip. Then, I asked Him to help me to make better choices, and to please keep His Face in front of me. I asked His Holy Spirit to give me that extra pause as I consider what I am eating, drinking, and thinking today. Lord, take me off of auto pilot now, and get me back on track. Help me to remember that many things promise to fill us, but they only fatten us up; leave us empty.

It's not all the stuff 'out there,' its His Still, Small Voice deep WITHIN US that satisfies a hungry heart. Experience the amazing grace of The Master, Jesus Christ, deep within, that is where The Good Life...Our REAL Life... is found, in Christ Alone.


Hearers & Doers - Your Room is Ready

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with The Spirit, in any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. NIV Phil 2:1-4

In these blogs we talk about hurrying to one place only, UP to God for his direction; and then listening, praying, waiting for Him… Then what?
Do we act with prompt obedience when He clearly answers us?
Do we put things off ... second guess what God is telling us … look for a more ‘logical’ answer than the one God is giving? Do we continue to wait when He clearly said "GO?" Do we go when He said "WAIT!"

We show God that we love Him by doing EXACTLY what He tells us to do, no matter how humbling. Many times I don’t like His Answers, many times they don’t make sense, and many times they take me off the path I had mapped out for myself. People say they don’t hear from God, maybe that’s because their own voice is STILL speaking and drowning out His Still, Small Voice. Jesus was a gentle-man, but also God. He is often a 'direction-changer,' and a 'side-tracker.' He can ask a 'natural born leader' to take a back seat and let someone 'less talented' go first. His Word instructs us to consider others as better than ourselves. How are you doing with that one? The trials in our lives show us how we are doing. If we are honest, we will admit that we NEED humbling, we tend to want the driver's seat not the back of the bus.

BUT, you know what, at times when I have put self aside and done what God asked, it has always resulted in JOY. The thing I have found about God is that His Will is hard; good & hard; but, there really is no other way. AND, we can reflect on the trials of our lives and see purpose. If God uses a tough trial to chip away more of my vain conceit and selfish ambition, then that is a very good thing! God is always at work changing us, growing us, teaching us to love others more, and encouraging us to draw life from Him.

There is protection under His umbrella even as torrential rains pour down around us. If we stay under His umbrella we find peace despite the storm.

Today, our pastor talked about being HEAR-ERS and DO-ERS of The Word. HEAR & DO. We observe Jesus hearing from God in The Gospels. He often goes off by Himself to pray; He asks His followers to pray with Him; and He prays for hurting people all around him. Then, we observe Him doing, acting on behalf of others: healing sick people, teaching about The Heart of The Father, stopping to hear the heart of one outcast woman at a well, multiplying loaves and fishes so that crowds of hungry people could eat. Jesus saw the need and filled it. He provided for everyone He encountered.

Can we say the same thing? Do we look to the interests of others or, do we hurry on by? Are we willing to be interrupted, inconvenienced, side-tracked as the Good Samaritan was? Or, do we think that our agenda is more important than those around us?

If our highest daily goal is:
to stay in Step with The Spirit, and lean on Jesus through suffering, loss, uncertainty… then, our lives will bear fruit! Our light and momentary troubles, our dark days here, will pass and God will lift us up into His Eternal Light. HEAR & DO, then, Jesus will be able to say, Well done! Come, ENTER INTO MY FATHER’S HOUSE, LOOK YOUR ROOM IS READY!


JOY- Jesus Over You!

I can do everything THROUGH HIM who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

Have you ever experienced the flatout JOY that comes from knowing you are in the right place, at the right time, doing exactly what God created you to do? I wonder how many Christians can say, along with the Apostle Paul, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Paul wrote those amazing words from prison. Paul's life was NOT EASY but it was JOY-FILLED. He learned to delight himself in The Lord, no matter what was going externally. Paul did not look around, he looked UP, He centered His thoughts on Jesus and eternal life in heaven, he found contentment there, no matter what was going on down here.

Americans are some of the most optimistic folks on the planet. Compared to nations whose residents struggle to get by on a dollar a day, we have it pretty good. We have hobbies, outlets, dreams and plans for our future.

Many Africans, Haitians, and Afghans wake up with one concern: will I survive the day.
Many Americans are struggling right now for the first time in our freedom-filled lives.

Many of us are uncertain about the upcoming Presidential election, our finances are a mess, our kids are being tempted in every way possible, and all of us know someone who has cancer or a life-threatening illness of some sort. What is going on here? When did this happen? How did this happen so quickly? As I write these words I find myself unemployed, my position as Marketing Director was recently eliminated. My husband is a realtor, my son wants to go away next semester to college, can I afford to keep buying this expensive food for the dog, should I skip my next hair appointment... that's a big concern for me.

But, despite what seems to be happening, I know one thing FOR SURE, I know that there is a God in Heaven, and He is still on His Throne, and He is good and He loves me and He wants only what is best for me. I know that despite circumstances, He brings a peace that surpasses my understanding. I know that when I read His Word and sit with thoughts of Him, thoughts of worry dissipate. He dispels anxiety, He is the banner over my life.
J- Jesus
O- Over
Y- You
When I feel anxious, I know Who to HURRY toward. Joy surfaces when we imagine Jesus Up & Over us. He sees what's going on, He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He will make a way and we can rest in His Promises, as we WAIT in JOYFUL HOPE for Him.


Time to WAKE UP

In yesterday's blog The 23rd Psalm was referenced. King David's words speak of the peace that God brings to the soul. The 23rd Psalm is often read at funerals or Celebration of Life Services as we now like to call them. Many of us are driving ourselves to an early "celebration" with stress-filled living and jam-packed schedules. Maybe its time to wake up before it is our own wake they're rushing us off to!

Does your schedule keep you so heads down... that there's no time to look up?
Have you ever heard it said, "if the devil can't make you sin, he'll make you busy?" Has busy-ness caused you to "forget" God?
Here's a Wake-up call for you:

THE PSALM 23 ANTITHESIS, by Marcia Hornok
(originally published in Discipleship Journal, 11/90)

"The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest.
It makes me lie down only when I am exhausted.
It leads me to deep depression, it hounds my soul.
It leads me in circles of frenzy, for activity’s sake.
Even though I run frantically from task to task,
I will never get it all done, for my “ideal” is with always with me.
Deadlines and my need for approval, they drive me.
They demand performance from me, beyond the limits of my schedule.
They anoint my head with migraines, my in-basket overfloweth.
Surely fatigue and time pressure shall follow me all the days of my life,
And, I will dwell in the bonds of frustration forever!"

We can all smile as we read this, because we can all empathize. But honestly, who wants to “dwell in frustration forever?” And, yet, this is how most of us live today. This can’t be what God had in mind for his beloved creation… for any generation…even a crazy, technologically advanced society like ours.

"The truth is we experience guilt when we waste time; and a sense of delight when we spend time well. What does spending time 'well' mean? We were designed for something more than efficient productivity, prioritization, task-management, right? Perhaps a better question is: What does it mean to LIVE well? Is there something more fulfilling, enriching and exciting than task-completion? Our hearts are crying out for that missing element…. For a freedom found only in Christ!" (Excerpt from "Time Traps" by Todd Duncan)

Lord, help us realize that you hold us in the palm of Your Magnificent Hand. Remind us that there’s no need to rush, over-commit, hurt ourselves, and cause our hearts to race. Teach us what it means to REST IN YOU. Bring us YOUR PEACE that surpasses our understanding. Quiet our minds Jesus. Slow us down till we hear the whisper of Your Still Small Voice, its right there, like the coo of a morning dove, trapped under the roar of traffic, tick-tocking clocks, and ever-expanding to-do lists. WAKE US UP LORD, Teach us to live for Your Glory and not our own. You have a good plan for us, we yield to You today, help us keep looking UP to You.


Purpose-Filled Waiting

His Compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your Faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore I will WAIT FOR HIM.’ Lam 3:22-25

Have you ever found yourself in God’s waiting room? Ever knocked, and knocked again on His Door, but still no response… only a quiet knowingness that He is doing this deliberately, asking you to learn to wait on Him.

John Darby writes “It is God’s way to set people aside after their first start, so that self-confidence may die down. Thus, Moses had to wait 40 years. And, Paul 3 years, after his 1st testimony. Not that God did not approve his 1st earnest testimony. But, we must get to know ourselves and discover that we have no strength. Thus we learn; and then, leaning on the Lord, we can with more maturity and experience, deal with souls.”

I was sharing with a Christian friend that all of God’s Old Testament leaders had times of waiting on Him before he raised them up. A God-given call was placed on their lives and then, always l-o-n-g & l-o-n-e-l-y waits ensued. “No! Not King Saul” she replied, “he dug right in ….but, look what happened! You didn't see God do that again soon!"

Yes, she was correct, impatient Saul acted in his own strength, and disobeyed God’s instruction. In contrast, His successor, King David had learned to wait. He lifted his eyes to the hills and knew exactly where his help came from.

Saul’s pride made him an ineffective leader; but, David’s habit of waiting on God instilled a character of gentle humility. David was a strong leader because he learned to access God's supernatural strength.

In the 23rd Psalm, David says, “He MAKES me lie down in green pastures.” You get the idea that David would still like to ‘get up and go,’ but he acquiesces. David's trials taught him that The Father knows best. He allows God to lead him; restore him; guide him in paths of righteousness. AND, because David learned to yield to God’s Will, He received a very special title, even more prestigious than King of Israel... God calls David “a man after His Own Heart.”


God Sets The Pace

Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:6

“It seems that most believers have difficulty facing the fact that God does not hurry in His Development of our Christian life. He is working FROM and FOR Eternity!
Many Christians feel they are not making progress unless they are swiftly, constantly forging ahead; but, God Himself modifies the pace.”

"A.H. Strong illustrates this point, ‘A student asked the President of his school whether he could take a shorter course than the one prescribed. ‘Oh yes’ replied the President, ‘but then, it depends upon what you want to be. When God wants to make an oak, He takes 100 years, but when He wants to make a squash, He takes 6 months. And, remember growth is not a uniform thing in the tree or the Christian. In some single months there is more growth than in all the year besides. During the rest of the year, however, there is SOLIDIFICATION, without which the green timber would be useless.”
(Excerpts from “Green Letters” by Miles J. Stanford)

Wow, such wise words!
I clearly get the point, but patience can be an elusive fruit. I like to see progress in areas where I invest my time and focus. If I skip that molten mound of brownie with vanilla ice cream oozing down the side… then, I expect to see a smaller number shining back at me on the scale tomorrow. If I do not buy those hot leather boots with the silver buckle, and instead clean up last’s year’s model and wear those; then, there will be a higher number in my checking account at the end of this month. Results! Yes, glorious, tangible measurable results! We are result-oriented creatures and whether we like to admit it or not, we tend to have an unspoken timetable connected to most things in life.

Why does God make us wait for answers? Why can’t He just tell us what He wants us to do, right now, and clearly (and hopefully exactly as I want it all to unfold!)

Wow, such foolish words!
There was a lot of “self” in that last sentence, wasn’t there? I say I want my life to be exactly the way that God wants it to be, but sometimes Sinatra’s “I Did It My Way” drowns out the Lincoln Brewster’s “Everlasting God” and the chorus of “strength will rise as we wait upon The Lord” echoes in my head at too slow a tempo. Argh! Remind me LORD that YOU complete the work you started in me. If I rush; take shortcuts; hurry ahead of others, that only slows my Christian walk. In God’s Economy slow is fast; and I don’t want to miss any God-given opportunities because I was in a hurry….looking around me, instead of UP.

When the Apostle Paul recorded the promise that Jesus would complete His good work in us, Paul was in prison chains. But instead of asking God, “What am I doing in here when there’s a whole wide world out there to save!” What did Paul do? Do you know? Read Philippians, Chapter 1. In his confinement Paul spoke to his guards about Christ and as a result, the Holy Roman Empire was infiltrated with its first converts. Wherever he was planted, Paul planted seeds; and, because he was attuned to God’s Timing, the seeds blossomed. The Word spread with SOLIDIFICATION, in perfect step with The Holy Spirit’s vantage point of Eternity.


Names He Calls Us - Will He Find Faith?

Let the BELOVED of the LORD rest secure in Him Dt 33:12a

Yesterday’s blog discussed recording Names of God & His Attributes. I was moved by the verse that says He quiets us with His love and He SINGS over us (Zep 3:17.) I added Serenader to my list of God's Names. Charles Spurgeon wrote that he envisioned Jesus smoothing the pillows of those who cry themselves to sleep at night. Jesus, Our Good Shepherd, would leave a flock of 99 to go find 1 missing sheep. How intimately our God knows us, how tender is His Love for every soul.

As I was walking the dog today I turned off the music on my I-pod and just imagined Jesus singing over me. No, I did not hear a voice come thundering out of the clouds; BUT, I did hear birds singing, and a tea kettle’s whistle, and children laughing. And, I thanked God, who created all things and determined the noises they would make. Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord!

I thought about some of the names that God calls us in His Word: Atoned, Blessed, Cherished, Daughter, Enabled, Foreknown, Glorious, Heard (2 Ch 7:14 "I will HEAR them from heaven")

I am going to add a "Names God Calls Us" section to my "Names of God" binder.
And, on days when I want to call myself "a Looser" or "not good enough," I will remember that GOD SAYS I AM PRECIOUS TO HIM, NO MATTER HOW I MAY BE FEELING. He calls me His Own, His Bride, His Beloved. He went to the cross for us because we were His Passion. He wanted to show us our true worth, not lies we may be believing about ourselves.

My self-esteem is NOT dependent on what I do it comes from what He did, His finished work upon the cross and "Nothing in all creation can separate me from the love of Christ"(Rom 8:39.) "He has loved us with an everlasting love" (Jer 31:3) One of His Names is TRUTH, and we are called The Faithful. Pray that we will be found faith-filled when He comes for us. Lord, help us look to You Alone for Truth and keep our Faith anchored in You in these uncertain times in which we live.