
The Throne before the phone

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

What do you do when a crisis hits?
Who do you turn to first for help, direction, and a listening ear?
Perhaps you have heard the expression "Go to The Thone before you go to the phone!"

How hard is that for you to do?
Maybe you have learned to take everything to Jesus first.
As I sit here now in the quiet of my office I truly know that He is Sovereign and He controls all things, so it certainly makes sense to go to God first.
In a true crisis He is often the only one who can turn things around anyway.
It is good to decide now when life is relatively calm that I will go to Him first.


Voni said...

I loved this!! Usually I just hurry off, but today I will hurry UP to the Throne.

Deb Covert said...

Love this. I realize that I need more God in my life. I need to find time to put Him first. Love you!