
Names of God- The Serenader

At a friend's suggestion, I started noting The Names of God, as I come across them while reading my Bible. Yes, I know that you can go to a Christian bookstore and pick up various Names of God books, but this is different ... it’s a personal practice ... and I promise it will bless your life too:
Get yourself 1) a large 3-ring binder, 2) a ream of lined paper, and 3) a set of alphabetical tabs. Whenever you are reading your Bible, stop to write down God’s Names & Qualities, enter them alphabetically in your binder, along with the verse where you found it.

There is JOY in discovering something “new” about God, a precious moment when The Holy Spirit reveals Truth to your soul about who God is. If you persistently pan for His gold nuggets, and hide them away in your heart, you’ll soon amass a heavenly, recession-proof, treasure within yourself. What could be more exciting than that!

Reflecting on God’s Names & Attributes brings peace to the prospecting soul, especially during times of waiting on Him for answers.

God’s Names speak to His Beauty and His Holiness …
from Abba (affectionately, God as 'Daddy') to Zoe (powerfully, God as 'Life-giver'). He is Alpha & Omega, The First & Last (God, The Final Authority)

When I read through a List of God’s Names; then, suddenly my lists, my chores, and my life are put into proper perspective.

I don’t need to worry. He is the Potter, I am the clay ... and how good that is to remember! His Word says that He never slumbers or sleeps. What if God slept in or forget to summon up the sun or lower down the moon?

I am a sound sleeper, but I woke up last night and could not fall back to sleep, so, (rather than counting sheep, I'll leave that to God!) I decided to mentally run through His Names alphabetically. “Q” gives me trouble, (so I skip that one!), but, before long I was at “S” recalling that God is my Savior, Shield, Source, Strong Tower, Shepherd & Sacrificial Lamb. He is sovereign, sufficient, and supplies all my needs. I asked The Lord to help me recall a verse from my bible study that I was trying to memorize, it was about Him singing (which struck me as so amazing!) I did fall asleep right after that; then, this morning I hurried to look up that verse and add SERENADE-ER, to the "S" list of His Names:
The Lord your God is with you, He is Mighty to Save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing!
Zephaniah 3:17

Wow, "Elohim, The Most High God," who runs the Universe, also stoops down as "Abba Daddy" to sing over a sleepless daughter and quiet her with his love. Seems too good to be true, but it is TRUE. Next time you can’t sleep imagine Him outside your open window with a guitar singing with the angels. He serenades and all creation sings back its praise. He seeks us and we seek Him, He is our QUEST, hey finally a "Q-word!" and He QUIETS us with His love too!

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