
Names He Calls Us - Will He Find Faith?

Let the BELOVED of the LORD rest secure in Him Dt 33:12a

Yesterday’s blog discussed recording Names of God & His Attributes. I was moved by the verse that says He quiets us with His love and He SINGS over us (Zep 3:17.) I added Serenader to my list of God's Names. Charles Spurgeon wrote that he envisioned Jesus smoothing the pillows of those who cry themselves to sleep at night. Jesus, Our Good Shepherd, would leave a flock of 99 to go find 1 missing sheep. How intimately our God knows us, how tender is His Love for every soul.

As I was walking the dog today I turned off the music on my I-pod and just imagined Jesus singing over me. No, I did not hear a voice come thundering out of the clouds; BUT, I did hear birds singing, and a tea kettle’s whistle, and children laughing. And, I thanked God, who created all things and determined the noises they would make. Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord!

I thought about some of the names that God calls us in His Word: Atoned, Blessed, Cherished, Daughter, Enabled, Foreknown, Glorious, Heard (2 Ch 7:14 "I will HEAR them from heaven")

I am going to add a "Names God Calls Us" section to my "Names of God" binder.
And, on days when I want to call myself "a Looser" or "not good enough," I will remember that GOD SAYS I AM PRECIOUS TO HIM, NO MATTER HOW I MAY BE FEELING. He calls me His Own, His Bride, His Beloved. He went to the cross for us because we were His Passion. He wanted to show us our true worth, not lies we may be believing about ourselves.

My self-esteem is NOT dependent on what I do it comes from what He did, His finished work upon the cross and "Nothing in all creation can separate me from the love of Christ"(Rom 8:39.) "He has loved us with an everlasting love" (Jer 31:3) One of His Names is TRUTH, and we are called The Faithful. Pray that we will be found faith-filled when He comes for us. Lord, help us look to You Alone for Truth and keep our Faith anchored in You in these uncertain times in which we live.

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