
JOY- Jesus Over You!

I can do everything THROUGH HIM who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

Have you ever experienced the flatout JOY that comes from knowing you are in the right place, at the right time, doing exactly what God created you to do? I wonder how many Christians can say, along with the Apostle Paul, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Paul wrote those amazing words from prison. Paul's life was NOT EASY but it was JOY-FILLED. He learned to delight himself in The Lord, no matter what was going externally. Paul did not look around, he looked UP, He centered His thoughts on Jesus and eternal life in heaven, he found contentment there, no matter what was going on down here.

Americans are some of the most optimistic folks on the planet. Compared to nations whose residents struggle to get by on a dollar a day, we have it pretty good. We have hobbies, outlets, dreams and plans for our future.

Many Africans, Haitians, and Afghans wake up with one concern: will I survive the day.
Many Americans are struggling right now for the first time in our freedom-filled lives.

Many of us are uncertain about the upcoming Presidential election, our finances are a mess, our kids are being tempted in every way possible, and all of us know someone who has cancer or a life-threatening illness of some sort. What is going on here? When did this happen? How did this happen so quickly? As I write these words I find myself unemployed, my position as Marketing Director was recently eliminated. My husband is a realtor, my son wants to go away next semester to college, can I afford to keep buying this expensive food for the dog, should I skip my next hair appointment... that's a big concern for me.

But, despite what seems to be happening, I know one thing FOR SURE, I know that there is a God in Heaven, and He is still on His Throne, and He is good and He loves me and He wants only what is best for me. I know that despite circumstances, He brings a peace that surpasses my understanding. I know that when I read His Word and sit with thoughts of Him, thoughts of worry dissipate. He dispels anxiety, He is the banner over my life.
J- Jesus
O- Over
Y- You
When I feel anxious, I know Who to HURRY toward. Joy surfaces when we imagine Jesus Up & Over us. He sees what's going on, He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He will make a way and we can rest in His Promises, as we WAIT in JOYFUL HOPE for Him.

1 comment:

Kim C Pace (aka Casey) said...

I love what Beth Moore has to say about joy. She said that JOY is the Greek word chara and it means gladness, enjoyment, bliss. GRACE is the Greek word charis and it means unmerited favor. Do you see how closely the two words are related when they are written in Greek, the original language of the New Testament?

God's salvation is a gift of grace. And joy is literally written into grace. As Beth puts it, "God is telling us, 'If you only understood what grace means and what you have received by it, you would never cease to rejoice.'" And that rejoicing would come despite circumstances, despite physical well-being, despite our emotional roller coaster.

She goes on to say, "Recognizing that salvation belongs to Christ helps to get us out of ourselves. Simply stated, 'It's not about us,'" And when it's not about me, it's so much easier to feel joy because I don't have to figure it all out, control everything, and make it all happen. I can trust in the Lord.