Case in point: my husband, son, and even the dog….all love 24….
For the first few TV Seasons I resisted watching, choosing to read a book in another room as I abhor violence on TV. But, I’d loose my train of thought as that annoying, high-decibel digital clock on the show would blare before every commercial. AND, what a rip-off! it’s like they took that ticking 60 Minutes stopwatch and put it on steroids. O, maybe that's the point? But 60 Minutes informs us about our world; and with 24 there’s no redeeming value! Right?
Then, I would overhear my husband say, “Wow 24 is amazing, this show makes my heart race!” And our son would reply, “Yeah, in other TV shows they don't pick off the main characters; but on this show you never know who’s getting blown up next, no one is safe!” (oh, great, I d say to myself, just great!) Even our dog, Jackson, would sometimes charge at the TV, as an unexpected explosion would shatter the silence. This would result in hysterical laughter as the dog would run to the front door, searching for the cause of the noise. Then, they’d all settle back into the couch with their comforters, loving life and enjoying an evening of TV together…. without me!...(without un-compromising, stubborn, lonely-in-the-living room, self-righteous, me.)
Lord, I don't like violence on TV, but I want to be with my family, help me, what should I do?
1- First, let me say, that bending and compromising can be a bad.
Wanting to be “in with the in-crowd" can pull us into a world of hurt ... drinking too much, sleeping too little, over-eating, unchecked spending. We warn our kids about peer pressure; then, there we are trying to keep up with the Jones’s! I guess it never changes; but, here’s how it starts: something we would normally abhor, we begin to tolerate… just a little... because we don’t want to miss out, or be made fun of...and so we reluctantly go along...and before long we are joining in... seduced, trapped, possibly imprisoned by a bad habit.
This is not what I am talking about here
2- Are there good compromises we are called to make? Have you made many lately?
When is the last time you put personal preference aside for the sake of another? Ever gone fishing with your husband, even though worms make your sick? My husband loves to BBQ, it relaxes him after working all day and makes him happy to cook meat, so I go with it; although I eat more of the salad & veggies, that a whip up to go alongside the carniverous entree. And, with our son, I have stopped complaining about his messy bathroom, because, well, I want him to really hear me when I have a serious complaint, and not be nagging 24/7. And, the dog, yes, many bad habits, but I choose to overlook annoyances, because he just loves me so much. The Apostle Paul, tells us that love does overlooks offenses, love causes us to put the needs of our family first.
Here's the BIG QUESTION: How do we know when to stand our ground, and when to compromise our position so that we align with others, uphold them, and keep the peace?
ANSWER: We pray about it. We ask God to help us, show us, enable us to stand tall or bend our stiff necks. We have supernatural help available to us, but we do need to ask for it.
I believe that God wants us to be engaged with our families. I am "girly," I don't like a lot of "boy stuff" but I want to be with my family as much as I can. When I stopped to ask God about the stuff they like on TV, I believe that He confirmed that I should be with them. And, when we are in His Will, He does not dissapoint us. It may take time, but he rewards those who anchor their trust in Him.Last night I realized that I have turned a corner and gone from tolerating 24 to actually enjoying 24! (Yep, Jack Bower, Chloe, and Bill how can they be the only ones left at CTU? and, that FBI Crew what a bunch of clueless agents! Should the new President intervene in the African genocide? The moral dilemmas presented in that show have been running through my mind all day.) I truely can’t wait to see what happens next. Yes, there's some violence; but there's violence displayed on 60 Minutes and CNN and in our world right now.... look at me, here I am defending 24, I am a convert, now!...but, I can't take credit, God did it.
I believe this is how God’s promptings work. Often we don’t really want to compromise our time and volunteer at church, or chip in to help a neighbor; often we want to watch what we want to watch, do what we want to do; but when we are obedient to God’s Will He often brings unexpected pleasure out of what we thought would be a chore. Our God is a God of surprises and hidden treasures. He amazes me continually!
I guess that PEACE AND CONTENTMENT do begin at home, hanging with the fam watching 24 instead of doing my own thing. Here’s a scene from last night, the cinema of my life:
My 60 lb. dog sits on my lap, as if he were a toy poodle, except he sheds, has bad breath and blocks my view of the screen, (but, I do love him dearly, he just wants to be with me!)
My thin husband plops down beside me with a bag of cookies, offering me bites of food that'd destroy all my work at the gym, (but, I do love him dearly, he just wants to be with me!)
In comes my son drinking a Diet Pepsi, the last one in the house. I thought I had hidden behind it behind the tomato juice….I say nothing, (because I do love him dearly, and he knows not what he does! I was saving that soda for me) O well, I wouldn't have it any other way…. Life is sweet and God is so Good! He helps me overlook offenses, (especially when the vast majority are not intentional.) We are all just trying to love each as best we can.
Lord, You just want to be with us, and You want us to stay tuned to Your Channel. Teach us to stand unwaveringly for YOU, prompt us to be flexible with others, especially family. Keep us looking up for answers. Help us make small Godly choices in our home, help world leaders with big the big decisions facing them today on this planet of ours. I wonder whether 24 isn't closer to the truth than some of the stories covered on 60 Minutes. Teach us to pray in all things and to look for the unexpected rewards that follow obedience to Your Will. Take us on a delightful detour as we get out of our own way and learn to walk by Faith with You... we ask this 60 Minutes of every hour, 24 Hours of every day...tuned in to you continually each moment of every week... ticktock, ticktock... direct us Lord, 24/7.
1 comment:
So true and beautifully written. Can't wait for the book Mary!
Best of luck!
Heather McGrail
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