
Timeless Resolutions- Colossians 1:9-14

This morning I find myself mesmerized by Paul’s letter to the Colossians. He makes a list of things he desires for his friends in the coming year and he shares it with them.

~Perhaps he secretly wished they’d loose a few pounds, get to the gym, stop smoking, get organized, spend time with family, bathe more, curse less...
(but he did not write to them about that.)

~Perhaps he hoped that they’d get their finances in order, stop seeking jumbo loans, tear up their credit cards, start shopping at Walmart, and sell the boat....
(but he didn’t tell them that.)

~Perhaps, because Paul saw that time here is fleeting, finite, and filled with trouble, he chose instead to focus on what truly matters... eternal stuff...
(he wrote to them about their souls and real life, the life to come)

Here are the things that Paul & Timothy sought for their friends
(Letter to the Colossians 1:9-14)
…We have not stopped praying for you and asking God

And we pray that you LIVE A LIFE WORTHY OF THE LORD
And that you may PLEASE HIM in every way
And BEAR FRUIT in every good work
in the knowledge of God

Being STRENGTHENED with all power
according to His Glorious Might
So that you may have GREAT ENDURANCE & PATIENCE,

who QUALIFIED YOU TO SHARE in the inheritance of
the saints in the Kingdom of Light.

For He has RESCUED US from the dominion of darkness;

And BROUGHT US into the KINGDOM of the SON, He loves
In whom we have REDEMPTION, and FORGIVENESS of sins

What if our New Years resolutions started with the health of our souls? What if truly prayed to seek first, the Kingdom of God? (before the long list of physical changes we want to see?)
Lord Jesus, give us wisdom for what You want to do in our lives in 2009; give us the courage to live out what You show us. Put a hunger for spiritual renewal in our lives.

Col 1:9-14, personalized, My Prayer for 2009
Thank You for the gift of knowing You, Help me know You more
Thank You for the gift of Your Spirit, Help me grieve You less
Thank You for redeeming us Help me remember Your Sacrifice

Thank You for forgiving us, Help me forgive whole-heartedly

Help me remember, as I go through each day in 2009,
all that You have done;
all that You are doing in this instant;
all that You will CONTINUE to do... till we are together face-to-face!

1 comment:

Voni Ribera said...

Hi Mary!! This is too funny! It's cool how Paul only prayed for spiritual things for his friends! Love you!
